Beating laziness and getting that routine on

Let us be honest, the majority of this world is not a Kim Kardashian or a Victoria Beckham, and I obviously am talking mainly about me. Even though we know we don't have their looks or money doesn't mean we can't feel as good or even better than them mentally and spiritually.

I started getting obsessed with the way I looked after going through a few months with a strange routine. Routine is one of the most important things to have, I didn't realised how messed up and lost I was when I had no routine, I wouldn't know if it was the weekend or not.

I have now got into a routine with work and trying to keep fit everyday, which was aim a few months back. Unfortunately, yesterday I was too tired with my new schedule that I didn't do my morning exercise. Today I woke up early to do one and I was completely uninspired and lazy, (and just a couple of days ago I was posting photos of my progress!!?)

It felt like I was down again by missing one day of exercise. I pushed myself today and I felt like it was the very first day again, so it is true that once you miss a day or two you are back to square one.
That is really frustrating but it is also making me more determined to meet my goal. Last night I started to regret posting a photo of my belly but then I thought to myself that this is a goal, no one is perfect, everyone has had a flaw once or many times in their life.
What do celebrities do when they have a kid? They stay out of the limelight and train as hard as possible until they are back to their sexy, svelte selves and the faster the better. This shouldn't put pressure on any of us but you shouldn't see it as a bad thing either. Promoting fitness and being healthy is positive for everyone and can really change your attitude to life.

I like to do my morning workout with a little meditation and it really improves my intake of the day. I'm looking forward to having a washboard tummy and being able to wear crop tops again, but until then I will keep fighting my laziness and do positive things for myself, the way you should do to.
Try and do a few minutes of meditation and exercise a day and see how you feel.

1 comment:

  1. Keep going. i need to take a leaf from your book. a little everyday gets you closer to that goal
