Italia: Pulito e bello

It has been just over 6 months that I have been living here in Italy. I have finally past the test barrier I put myself and I can say, so far I still feel content with my move.

As always it takes a lot to adjust to a new lifestyle and culture, but there are also nice things about moving. You get to find new places to visit, learn history and facts about your surroundings. It is something that opens your mind.

I do not know how long this venture will last but I will enjoy as much of it as possible until that day comes.

Italy is a chaotic yet relaxing setting. Full of history wherever you turn. Cars casuing unnecessary stress to other vehicles yet everyone seems to handle it but myself or any other foreign person.
One thing that has really struck me while I have been living here is the rubbish though.
Naples has always been on the news for the problems of rubbish it has had in the past, even the EU have had to get involved.
Until you live here and see the surrounding areas you are not conscious of the vast amount of waste there is.

It would be on beaches, mountains, main roads and motorways. You can be driving past the slip roads and stopping points and see that it is full of bags of rubbish.
Country roads full of rubbish stopping any vehicles from continuing forward.
Then, going through a national park; that doesn't seem protected at all is full of glass bottles, empty crisp wrappers, plastic bottles and bags, the list is actually endless.
After seeing this I went up to the locals and asked why is this being permitted. There response to this was that the local common will not give them rubbish bins.

So who is to blame here, the government or the locals?

No rubbsih bins means you just throw it all on protective land?

Picture taken from The Telegraph, this was how Naples got in 2007 when there was problems with Rubbish. Locals were setting alight their own rubbish as the government couldn't do anything about it. In the end the military had to get involved and remove it. Naples is still suffering the consequences.
The Southern part of Italy with rubbish near the lake. No one seems to care to pick their own rubbish. Hopefully in the future I, myself will bring bins to see if a difference will be made.
We will see how the progress goes.

This was the worst excuse possible, as I turned back to my group I saw the locals leave, and guess what..? they left their glass bottles and food wrappers.

Even if there were bins, does this mean every person will be picking up their own rubbish?
In Spain they did a whole campaign to civilise the locals and tourists. Huge signs indicating it is important for our environment to throw rubbish in the bins, to recycle, and to respect the Earth. Speakers from the beach reminding in every language what is right.
So if anyone would dare stand up and not collect their waste, people would stare at them in disgust telling them that this is wrong.

So can the Italians follow others and their examples?

Glass bottles and rubbish is the main cause for forest fires. Humans are causing unnnecesary damage to the environment. Lately I have witnessed helicopters flying over my house trying to put out the fires, this has happened on a daily basis even travelling along the motorway I have seen two in one journey....
Rubbish isn't always the cause for fires, but it is a catalyst.

The other day I went to the beach with friends and I was shocked at the state people were letting themselves live in. I am not saying Italians are dirty, but they are letting themselves get that way, not caring about their surroundings.

You look across the hoards of people and see a stoney beach, but as you get closer to your spot and lay the towel on it, you realise the stones are actually burnt coal and cigarette butts.
Barcelona was like this many years ago but the government spent a lot of money in cleaning the city up and if you go the beaches of Barcelona you would never of thought that this was once a pit!
Naples is a city like Barcelona without the cleanliness. The government was given a huge payoff to clean the city up back in 2007, but with organised crime still highly in function in this part of Italy it was stolen and Naples was never cleaned up. It is a real shame as you have amazing historic monuments and piles of rubbish barricading it. Fitlh causing the cockroaches to approach your feet while walking the street.

Everyone here has the same excuse. The Comorra, the local government, isn't that. It is pure laziness and the bad custom people have here.
NO ONE PICKS UP THEIR OWN RUBBISH. They all reply in disgust that no one is doing anything but.....

...If we all did this easy task of picking up our own trash, Italy (there is rubbish in other parts of the Country) and other countries with this problem would be a lot cleaner .

Italia is Bella!!!! Lets keep it Pulito...

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