Short Changed?.....Never

A little detail I have noticed while living here in Italy, is that whenever I go shopping or go to a bar and buy myself something and the total comes to something like 4,52 the attendant will always round it off and give me 50 cents!
I know this maybe a silly detail I have noticed, but I lived in Barcelona for 6 years and this has NEVER happened. Normally I am asked for that extra cent and they make sure they count the coins infront of me...

Is the fame of the Catalans being Stingy really true??? I'll leave that as an open question...Don't want to insult any fellow catalan friends as I am catalan myself. But no wonder they are the richest in Spain! LOL....Oh my goodness I am going to get bitch slapped!

.....but, it is nice to get an extra coin now and again.

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