
So, here I am... blogging...
I am really new to this blogging shizzle. I didn't think I would ever get into this but as I would like to class myself as a writer (without any proclamation) and I never get the chance to share my thoughts that I have thought to myself. And why ever not? I don't need millions of followers, 1 or 2 is fine with me. I want to be able to post my thoughts that I live with daily, as i am more than sure atleast someone would agree with me.
I do not know if this happens to a lot of people but I travel on the metro every day and on my way home I am full of thoughts that I want to blurt out, but unfortunately we live in a society where everyone keeps to themselves unless they have a problem, then they will stare, swear and shout at you like there is no tomorrow. But in general we have people with their headphones listening to their music, or people reading books, papers or even the new TV screens we have the privilege of watching.
I stand on the train and am one of the many thousands that listens to her music. But with every tune that beats through my big Sony headphones I create scenarios and stories, and that's where inspiration enters and all i want to do is jot down my ideas. Unfortunately I'm the type that is never prepared for that. I don't carry a pad or pen, or even a lap top, so i am left with memorizing what i want to write or I try and write it in a text message on my phone, but by the time that is taken home and translated to the correct language it doesn't even make sense.

So here i am starting my blog by saying Hello. I want to use my blog to write my opinions and thoughts of the World. Some people may find this interesting, others may not like what they read, as these are my opinions. I am not Rude, Racist, Feminist or any other genre you would think you can put me in.
I am myself, a person growing up with a lot to discuss. Some people love me, some hate me to. This normally bothers me too but i can not live trying to please everyone. As long as I have a happy family and happy friends then i will be happy too.
so welcome to My Little World....

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