The other day I thought I had made the biggest mistake by asking my partner how he would rate my looks. What a very stupid question indeed. But I was provoked by an episode I had just watched of Cougar town with Courtney Cox. She sleeps with a young guy and asks him to rate her. And she wasn’t too impressed. You would have thought I would have learnt from that episode but unfortunately I didn’t.
Now I was upset for days thinking, oh my god, my boy doesn’t think I am hot enough. I started going round and round in my head thinking to myself, so what does he like about me? He doesn’t think I am a perfect 10 so how can he love me?
As a woman my advice is not to ask your man what he thinks. You are putting him and yourself in a predicament. Most men will either lie so you don’t get upset and you will know he is lying and be unimpressed or he will tell you the truth and the truth is ugly! So seriously ladies don’t even bother.
In the end he didn’t give me a bad rating and I wasn’t expecting a 10 either. To be honest with you I don’t even know what to expect but either way I was upset, (such a woman thing). It took me days to face facts. I am no super model and no my boyfriend doesn’t think I am one either, that hurt, a lot.
But then after being clouded with my paranoia I woke up. I thought to myself….well it is actually better that this guy didn’t fall for my looks; it means he fell for the person I am. That means he genuinely likes me. I was expecting him to tell me, Shorty you are perfect to me, you are my number 10 but then I would be mad for him telling me this because he has to as he loves me…. But he was honest and I appreciate it so much more now. I am glad I have a man that is honest as I know many men out there that constantly lie to their girlfriends, lie about who they meet up with, what they are currently doing and that’s not how it should be.
I remember being at a friend’s house with my boyfriend and friends. And one friend’s girlfriend called him up and he sh*t himself, and started to lie down the phone of where he was. Once he hung up he started saying what a pain she was etc. I was disgusted! I looked at my boyfriend and asked if he did the same. He tutted and said no. I knew he was being honest because if anything my boyfriend is too honest but it is appreciated because if he is going out with friends I know he is and I don’t have to worry. Once the lies start and you start hiding things from you partner it means it’s over! It is always healthy to have secrets but not lies. There is a big difference and many relationships get them mixed up.
There is no point in hiding things from your loved ones. Because that means your relationship is a lie. Try and always be honest even if it hurts. And don’t ask stupid questions unless you are ready to face the truth. In the end I am an 8! But my personality makes me a 10 and a 1/2. And no he didn’t say this to me to make me feel better. He said this because I am a great girlfriend!
If I don’t speak highly of myself, who will?
Everyone needs to feel good about themselves and that way when someone tells you something you may not like. You will accept it and know what your real value is.
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