I have never been a follower of fashion yet at the same time I knew what the “laws” of fashion were, if there are any. I knew back in the 90’s the 70’s was fashion for example the flared trousers. Then you got to the late 90’s and the retro 80’s was fashion. I would always tell my mum and friends, not to throw out clothes if they were in good condition as one day they will be back. Now we are in the millennium, 09’ and 80’s mixed with 90’s is in. Lucky for me I have always liked the 80’s and 90’s style, apart from the shell suits, although I admit I owned the whole thing once upon a time.
When I look at the world of Fashion I do not know whether to love it or loathe it. I mean firstly you have to keep up with the latest trends even if it suits your figure or not. Every year we have celebrities changing their looks and then we normal humans follow them like lost dogs.
Well I am not a person that agrees on this. I believe that everyone needs or should create their own fashion, trend or style. We are all made of the same tissue and components but we all have a different DNA, so when we see shoulder pads, or leggings as a must I ask why do we all have to go and buy it? Shoulder pads have been in and out of fashion and I recall never liking them. My mum would buy me a cardigan with stitched in shoulder pads and I would cringe. I hated the way it made me look like an American football player. This is totally not my style.
Now they are back in fashion, almost everyone is going crazy for them. Ok if you love them so much, then why wait until they are “allowed” to be worn. Two of my family members have been wearing them since I can remember. One is young and is a classical dresser but very stylish in her own way. She has worn shoulder pads every season; it gives her an elegant touch. I don’t disagree with the look at all but the point I am trying to make is: why on earth do we have to wear what we want only when the magazines say so? If you like shoulder pads wear them whenever you feel like it, not when it is fashion again. If you like your leggings don’t wait until the whole city is wearing them. You just don’t have an original touch if you wait till the world is wearing them.
To be honest I may not or can be the most stylish person, but it is not because of what I see in the magazine and think to myself, Wow this is so me! No, I get what I think of in my mind. I picture myself and think that I have to dress according to my mood. Since a very young age I liked the knee high socks and leggings, but back then I was shy and felt odd if I dressed differently to everyone else. But I grew up and realized we are all unique and need to dress according.
I hear so many critics firing away at celebs like Mrs. Beckham. Why on earth does everyone have horrible things to say against this stylish woman? I will insist now I am not a follower or a fan of hers but she deserves to be defended. Fine, she is very serious, very slim and may not be able to sing. But the woman has class and has her own elegant style which I like, and the critics that say no are envious because if she didn’t have style she wouldn’t have her own successful brand. I see her every day in the newspapers and they criticize her for dressing up in an eight grand outfit for her son’s school fair! Victoria Beckham is a multi millionaire; do you really think she is going to shop in Primark like the rest of us working class humans? I really doubt it? If I was a millionaire I would be spending my money on trainers, shoes and handbags! Plus we critics love to have a jab at the famous but this woman has never looked wrong. She doesn’t show displays of nights out drinking alcohol, she doesn’t take coke and prance around with men. She is the opposite, very serious and a great role model in that sense. She is a woman that has style and people hate her for that. She may come across stuck up, but let’s ask ourselves why? Is it because she married the most famous footballer back in the 90’s? Or was it because she was in the biggest girl band ever? Victoria and the rest of the spices were money machines and as she has chosen fashion as her next career people slate her for it.
If I was given that opportunity I would go down the same road. I wouldn’t wear tracksuits if I could afford the classy comfy trousers.
I must say though I am a person that doesn’t fall in love with the brand I fall in love with the style. If my eyes don’t look back twice at the flat pumps, I am not going to buy it, even if they are the latest Rhianna style pumps, or heels or even shades. I look for originality that suits my personality. I have a schizophrenic style personality, maybe it is because I am half Cancer and half Leo. But I can be very moody, rude and not talkative and then other times I am happy, will never be quiet, loud and just up for madness. So I like to characterize my style according to my mood. If I am feeling dull I will wear all black. If I am happy and chirpy, pink and blue will be my colour or anything that is bright and saying “this is me”.
I don’t think I got to proper establish my style until I was 25 and I think this may happen to a lot of people. And I still think my styles will change according to my maturity. But I do remember it being incredibly difficult to have a style. My mum would take me shopping and nothing would fit, so I would have to go to H&M kids section and get clothes that didn’t really appeal to me. And don’t get me wrong H&M is nice but I wanted to follow everyone else. Unfortunately I think what a silly girl but when you are young there is peer pressure to dress good and I was one of them followers.
I have always liked leggings, since I was young in the 80’s wearing them; I had them in every single colour, pattern and design. I also loved the slouch socks on top! That was my style. Leggings came back and I was so glad because I got the chance to buy new ones and my size. But now I am not going to make the same mistake and once they are “not” a fashion item I will still wear them. Or at least try and get away with it. I do believe everyone needs to have their own style. I currently reside in Barcelona, fashion capital?? No way. Everyone dresses the same, or practically. I don’t want to be the type to class people but in Barcelona you have different groups. I will go into that in my next post!
To be honest I think markets are the best, and I totally recommend you go atleast once to have a look. There you will find so many items of clothing that you see in the high street but it is cheaper and guess what? No one else will have it because you bought it from a market. I don’t want to get too much off the subject I am on but I have to say that people against markets need to wake up. They are truly great, socks, knickers, leggings, jumpers. Anything you buy there is guaranteed to be cheaper than the shops, and so what if the quality isn’t all that, if you are a fashionista I am sure your clothes last you one season anyway. I have a friend that is so obsessed in not being able to buy expensive clothes and that her boyfriend doesn’t and it makes me want to be sick! So what? My boyfriend buys my clothes at bargain prices. But that’s nothing I can complain about! That means I get the double or even triple amount of clothes than a person that wants a Gucci dress.
A Versace dress isn’t going to look any better on you than a high street dress. Clothes don’t make you skinnier, they make you look good but you have to be able to pull it off. And if you are bigger than average or smaller then don’t invest on an expensive brand and invest in going to the gym.
The funny thing about these different categories I was going on about is, when something like a scarf comes in fashion. No matter what social background you come from, more than half of these people are bound to have the same scarf. Yes, the same colour, same size same style. Did they all went to the same shop to buy it?
I believe everyone should feel free to express their style. They can follow the catwalk queens, or the tips and styles from the magazines but everyone needs to feel comfortable too.
No one is the same size or shape and I agree we all need to dress the way we want but then at the same time, I don’t agree on certain peoples idea of that. I don’t want to be rude or judgmental, but I have big friends, in fact when I was growing up my best friend was a very big girl. She ended up being obese. Now I don’t think that is anything to laugh at, but sometimes when she dressed in certain clothes she looked awful! I was her best friend and I would tell her in the most suttle way. I am very honest and sometimes come across too rude so I do try at times to be as polite as possible. She would say, “So what if I am big I want to dress how I please”. I totally agreed with her, but then at the same time I told her, she had to dress how she pleased but with some class.
She put a belly top on and a very tight pair of jeans. I asked her honestly was she wearing this because she felt good, or was she trying to prove a point. She agreed to my second thought. She wanted to prove a point. Revealing your stretch marks and most conscious parts of your body is not proving your point. It is proving the point to the hundreds of materialistic people in this world that only adore you if you weigh 20 grams and are taller than any super model.
We went shopping; I took her to buy clothes that could suite her figure. I am the complete opposite. I was way too skinny, didn’t find anything my size it was a terrible adolescence for me as all my friends would be shopping in top shop and I would have to go to any children’s store and at that age it is a trauma. People ridicule the skinny and the fat. All my life I have been told I am way to thin, I have been asked if I was anorexic, and even been followed to the bathroom while on my break just to see if I am going to be sick. It’s fucking ridiculous. And the more ridiculous part of that is, once a girl said to me, “oh dear you look so anorexic”. So I put my hand to my mouth in shock and said, oh my god and you are so obese!
The girl started crying and went straight to the teacher to complain about me. I got a detention. I then told the teacher why I called her obese and she said discreetly in a suttle voice, “it’s not the same”. How the hell is that not the same? An insult is an insult. People always start on the “Skinny” people, thinking it’s inoffensive, but you call someone larger than normal and you almost get arrested for it.
Let us be equal people. Equal rights in every way. I am a very slim person; I lived in so much self hate because of people’s idiotic remarks. I got depressed while shopping; I wouldn’t like meeting boys as I didn’t have a fuller figure like my friends did. It was a horrible teenage time for me. Being a teenager is not fun at all in fact.
But now I look in the mirror and I like what I see (or at least most days I do). I have found myself. I like what I see and this reflects on people after. I get looked at, this doesn’t mean I love myself but I have become more confident. This may change in a matter of weeks when I look paler as there is no sun, but right now I feel confident. We all do, men, women, girls and boys. No one should laugh at anyone, but we live in a cruel society and it is bound to happen at some point or another.
I have a colleague that dresses in the most outrageous outfits ever, but it suits her personality. No way can I mock her for not looking like your plain Jane, on the contrary I love it. It has inspired me to dress more how I like and not the way Vogue magazine tells me too.
I work in the line of fashion and I would get shot now for all this, as in a way we are supposed to recommend what not and what to wear. But if you honestly don’t suit that retro jumper then why am I going to try and sell it to you.
We have to like what we see and not what other see in us. So if you like the retro jumper and I don’t ill have to bite my tongue too.
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