Keep your mind and body fit to feel good

Getting yourself a daily routine including a bit or exercise can do wonders. By giving your body stimulation you enjoy acts like an antidepressant or a self-motivator. After a small foot injury I stopped doing any exercise for over six months. I knew I needed a change, considering I have a brother that is obsessed with fitness and I envy that determination he has, I wanted to go back to feeling that great too.

Since I started my new job I have tried to focus on getting myself into a routine, work, house chores and a bit of me time. Recently I have found the exercise that is for me,  it is “Hip Hop Abs” by Shaun T.
I can’t say I know much about Shaun T, but he is an American fitness instructor and choreographer.
I was recommended his video after I tried INSANITY, another one of his gruelling and tough workout videos. I could only get through the warm up and I would be exhausted, I knew I wasn't capable yet but I still wanted to get in shape. Then one evening in the bar, I was complaining about my belly and my friend told me about his hip hop workouts, and considering I love Hip Hop so much and I believed this one was for me, especially if its for the abs as well, so I got it and I have been exercising every single day for 20 - 40 minutes maximum.
Some people would doubt on this but it really gives you a sweat and as Shaun T says “You look amazing” and I believe it. Not only do I have fun with the videos but I feel great afterwards. My whole core is getting stronger by the day and my mind is clear too. I feel positive and great and i’m beginning to love my body again, which is something I didn’t think would happen so quickly.

If you look at the promo videos on YouTube you will see that people lose a lot of weight in little time. I am not on a diet, I am eating exactly how I was eating before but with smaller portions again. I do try and eat healthier too and eat less junk food but I am not strict enough. In 10 days I lost 1 ½ ” and i feel great. My main problem was my belly. After having a summer of constant food and beer my belly turned into a chubby thing and it wasn't something i was too happy about, cellulite was coming out from every bit of muscle i was feeling insecure about myself and I even had to go home to get changed, from being out with friends a couple of times because I would feel unhappy about myself and the way I was looking. I was dragging myself down completely because I was too lazy and poor to go to a gym and I didn’t care how I was going.
Now i’m working and have a routine and I have managed to fit in these workout videos and this has changed the way I am feeling. I feel positive and ready to go. I wake up early every morning so I can fit a workout in and sweat out all the toxins and have my shower and go to work feeling and looking fresh. Shaun T doesn’t only make me feel inspired to exercise but it really gives you mental fitness to, these both need to be combined to have a great inner peace.

I don’t know if this video is for everyone but I am definitely a huge fan and recommend it to everyone to try atleast once. Give it a go and see how you feel.  I am documenting my progress but I’m not planning on posting any photos until a month has passed, I feel that my body is getting stronger by the day and hopefully i’ll meet my target and get abs by the end of the month.

If I have inspired you in any way, please try it out.

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