Skinny vs Fat - Who are we to judge?

I am so fed up of opening up the fashion magazines or a “femail” part of my daily newspaper to read how the writer criticizes the “Skinny”, “stick insect” women.

It is so frustrating how all my life I have been a very slim girl with no fat on me (that doesn’t mean any cellulite) and have been constantly told I need to “put on weight” and need to take care as I look anorexic!
Why is that not any different to telling a overweight woman to cut down on the food because she looks obese and needs to lose weight. They are both equally a f*cking insult. A person that has anorexia nervosa or bulimia is sick, they have an mental illness. I never did! I think it is unfair that journalists are allowed to defend and promote the larger women calling them “curvier” and healthier and not defend or compliment the slim women too.

As a child I never picked on other kids, I would never taunt anyone for the way they look but I have been on the other side and sometimes been the victim of mean remarks for being too slim. Up until I was 25 years I would get it.
An ex-employee of mine came up to me while I was heating my food to tell me, (not ask) that I don’t eat!
I looked at her in surprise considering she had never sat in the dining room when I had lunch there everyday, and I told her how I do eat; She looked at me with a look of disbelief and told me from then on she would be looking at what I eat as she was worried. I couldn’t believe it! I wanted to head straight to Human Resources to complain about this stupid old fat woman.

The whole of my family are just like me, infact i'm one of the largest. We are all small sizes. We are all short and look great. I haven't always been proud of the way I look, as a kid I was bullied to believe I was ugly because I was too thin. I was called pencil legs or something just as mean and I would find myself very ugly. I was too afraid to approach boys because I didn’t have the “curves” or hadn't developed as fast as my other friends. I didn’t have big breasts nor do I now. But it was horrible growing up as a teenager feeling complete rejection because I felt too slim.
Now I look at myself and I like what I see. I think I am beautiful, and slim with a soon to be toned tummy and a nice ass!

When I read articles criticizing the famous for being too slim, I think to myself. How on earth does this writer look? Is she overweight and needs to slam someone’s look to feel better? The readers love it too because they are obviously unhappy with themselves that they also need to have a go. I am not saying Slim should be advertised, as there have always been issues with size 0 models etc, but I do think NATURAL and overall HEALTHY, should be advertised.
Let there be styles for all of us so we can be unique. Lets all join together and be equal in terms of repect and stop insulting each other.
We are all human. We all come in different shapes and sizes. We all need to look after ourselves and be the size we want to be.
Like every woman, I hate the amount of times I would shopping for clothes and come home depressed because nothing was in my size. The shops in the UK adapt to petite and big sizes, but I find I am neither category. Petite is someone very short and thin or fat. But there is no in between. Clothes brands need to adapt to EVERYONE!

I have always noticed how a lot of people assume if you call me “anorexic” I am going to take it as a compliment, instead I take it on the chin and laugh at the ignorance.
We all have our body issues and we live by it daily no matter the weight so don't feed on it and do it to other people or let it happen to yourself. Respect your body, it is your temple in the end.

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