Pastel Colours for Hair

When the clock struck 12 on December 31st I wasn't feeling as optimistic as I had liked to but one thing I knew was that I wanted to make 2016 a more positive and focused year.
2015 was a year of learning and jumping many hurdles.
This only means one thing in my world, after a mental detox with meditation and time to myself I knew I need a change of look
as it had been a long time since I had one so I woke up one day with that itch to do something crazy and as I had a morning of errands I knew I would find at least one decent hairdresser open. I say decent because it's sometimes difficult to find a hairdresser in Barcelona that shows professionalism, good styles, are not too expensive and that are open all day! I found one that ticked all the boxes. The salon was right next to my dentist so what way to reward myself after a painful session at the dentist. I found Centros mimas on Calle Diputación and it had a very professional feel to it. The staff are young and very polite and they gave me a nice talk before letting me decide.
I had the idea of what I wanted and the hairdresser helped with the decision. Usually I go for cutting my hair really short but it has taken me a good few years to grow these locks so I thought why not dye it and destroy it till I need to cut it (I will take good care of my hairi) I decided to go Pink, but not the type i'd usually go fo like fucsia, this time I opted for a more subtle and pastel pink.  The result was fantastic. I was really happy with the result knowing it wouldn't last. 

The hairdresser told me before dying my hair that the colour would go straight away but I didnt know how little it would last. After a week it's gone a more blonde colour. It doesn't look bad but I like the pink!

Getting my hair done wasn't expensive but it would turn out to be if I had to go every week to the hairdresser, so aside from getting my hair bleached in an actual hairdresser, (I think it's preferable to get it done at a salon as they will know how to look after your hair and know the timings according to your hair). However, I've decided to colour my hair myself. I'm going to go for pink again and hope it lasts longer than a week. If not I may go for another pastel colour like Smokey or Ocean Storm. This dye is from   Wella Professionals Instamatic by Color Touch and the colour i'll be trying is Pink Dream. This is the most similar colour I got done last week.
Let's hope it lasts a little longer than the original colour put in. I'll give an update next week. 

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