The other day I went shopping down a busy high street in Naples called Via Toledo, although most people refer it as, Via Roma. Something to do with the road being called Via Roma many years ago and then they changed it and no one has gotten used to calling it by its new name.
As I passed the hustle and bustle, an icecream in one hand and my other hand was shielding the people waking into me, suddenly a shop had caught my eye for its very funky, pink and white layout with great lighting and within this, all I could see was lots and lots of little pots with different colours, I had to look twice because I was confusing this place for a candy store, were those little pots nail varnish? Yes! And this was a candy store for me...
I went in and there were shelves full of nail varnishes with every colour you could think of.
As you enter there is a see-through circle on a white funky floor and as you look down it, you see there is another floor below you full of more exciting cosmetics and treats to entertain for at least 10 mins.
They had great products, which some I had seen before in other shops, but not like this. This was full of everything you needed, it was cheap and it was all one brand, Anika.
The staff are friendly although they do have a habit of staring at you, making sure you don't open any of their bottles or use their products, (which isn't rare in Italy), fair enough too but I didn’t want to feel uncomfortable in this room of delights as all I wanted to do was compare brushes before buying the right mascara.
I ended up buying a few items a large packet of face wipes for just 3€, a nail varnish which was a funky metallic blue and purple colour that would look pretty hot with short jeans in the summer. Lastly, I bought mascara which gives volume. They had others to choose from but this was the one for me.
I have tried all three products and I wanted to share my review.

The nail varnish unfortunately isn't the best I have bought and it left me a bit unsure on buying this in the future. The colour is nice but it’s not the same as it looks when it’s inside the bottle, It took me 3 coats because of how watery it was, it was streaky and not whole which made this process time consuming and annoying, plus after three coats I can still see the streaks. Maybe they made this like this so it’s harder to chip the colour because you are layering over thin layers, I want a colour to look full on the first or second coat, not the third.
perhaps I chose the wrong colour and maybe tried another one but even my flat mate was complaining about the colour she bought and had the same problem. I don’t think it’s worth the buy, unless I see another colour that catches my eye and I just have to deal with it.

The mascara looks good although the first time I put it on it was clumpy but once I combed through my eyelashes it filled them out and definitely gave it volume.
It looks natural and gives you the lashes you want. Worth the 3€ I paid considering all my L’Oreal one’s do seem to just get try too quickly. We will see what I have to say in a few months.

Now, let me go onto the facial wipes. For the last year I have been using Nivea face wipes for sensitive skin and I believed they were cleaning my skin but it wasn't sensitive enough as it would often leave my skin irritated. When I tired these new wipes I was very surprised. The texture was very soft and caressed my skin. And once I had done the first wipe I could see half the make up was gone.
“It couldn’t be? ...Yes indeed, I have found wipes that are delicate on my face but takes that sh*t fast just before jumping into my bed.”
3€, 30 or more wipes what more could I ask for?
I was hoping to buy myself more products as they had loads of things, make up suitcases for make up artists, acrylics for nails, products to do waxing and the list goes on.
Its definitely a cool place to visit if you are into your make up and want good deals and that you are in Naples!
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