Music makes the difference to anything we do, music is the soundtrack to our lives...

Since I emigrated out of the country and moved to a small village, I have found it difficult to adapt to the culture and rhythm of the lifestyle. Time has flown by and I finally know my way round, know the local faces and I made my own routine according to my lifestyle.

I got a new job here which was great, as it meant I could get out more and be more involved socially, even if it is in a minor way.

I would leave my house everyday at three thirty in the afternoon and the streets would be empty.
It was like being in a film where the World has come to a standstill and there is no other life on the planet but my own.
My imagination would run deep and I would create crazy scenarios in my head, but after a week of creating scenarios the creativity and imagination left.

Then one day my boyfriend gave me my headphones and my MP3 player! It had been a while since I had even thought of them. In my old routine I would put the headphones on any chance I could get; on my way to work, whilst I was cleaning, or even when I attempted a jog around the block. But while I was so caught in the move and the new life I had, I forgot about one very important element to keep me going....My Music, my soundtrack, my life and world.

Yesterday was the first time in eight months that I had heard my MP3 player. I have obviously heard music throughout this time, but when you have your headphones on it changes everything. It all becomes a bit more personal. It becomes your soundtrack.

We all need to listen to music to help or suit our mood. When we are down we may want to listen to hard rock, or soppy love songs. When we are on a mission, like going to work we want something PUMPING! I have noticed music isn't so popular here, maybe people don't bother with the short distances, there seems to be no point, but if I can manage to stick 4 minutes of base or rhythm in my body and soul then I definitly think it is worth it.

In the end....

....Music makes the difference to anything we do, music is the soundtrack to our lives...

1 comment:

  1. Music really makes the difference.. it has, in my life.. it drives me on my path since I was a child.. it's been my sound and my colors in the empty and grey afternoons.. it's been the food and the water for my mind.. it's been a warm embrace in my solitude.. it's been all the people I would have had around and I hadn't.. Music is the only pure and truthful way I know to express my soul.. I could never live without it.. you might find those streets particularly lonelier and empty some days.. but what we've got here, in this small reality, is the chance to hear the voice of our soul melting with the taste of infinite air.. coming with the sense of being just one little point between million ones.. Davide.
