It has been 6 years today since a very dear friend of mine was taken away.
Xevi Lagzaoui, may he RIP. He was a dear friend of many that was taken away too early from us. He died from a car accident on the 13th of December 2003.
This effected me badly and i was in mourning for a long time. Xevi still remains in my heart but i have learnt to accept what has happened.
I wanted to dedicate this post to him and I hope he never forgets we are here thinking of him constantly.
I wrote this poem to him many years ago but never have publicly shared my poe or my thoughts as it was too painful. Now 6 years have passed and I can feel the strength to carry on and I know he is looking down on me.
Xevi fuiste mi mejor amigo, estuviste alli cuando nadie mas estuvo. Nunca me dejaste sentirme sola y siempre te quise y se que me querias tambien.
Estamos aqui haciendo nuestras vidas y sigues alli en nuestras pensamientos.
Te queremos mucho.
Descansa en Paz.....
Orion's Sky.
My Orion's belt is up in the sky,
I look up there when i need to cry,
Those stars were dedicated to you,
Our love and frienship was always true,
You left on day and did not come back,
My life and world turned all black.
When I walk the streets I look for your face,
I feel like i see you and my heart begins to race.
Then i realise that it cannot be you,
I feel so helpless, what can i do?
My friend has gone and won't be back,
My world and life has turned black.
I hope your looking down from Orion's Sky,
I promise to you that i won't cry.
I feel angry that you have gone,
I ask myself what have I done?
I believed destiny would bring us together,
Instead it took you away forever.
I have my memories of you,
And I look up when i need to talk too,
If one day I fall for someone new,
Remember I will never forget you.
I think of you everyday,
And you have my thoughts in every way.
I hate the fact of being apart.
You have gone but live inside my heart.
I know you will not come back,
My world and life won't always be black.
I will remember the good times spent together,
And they will be in my thoughts forever.
I promise you I will not cry,
And I will keep looking at Orion's Sky.
April 5th 2004 By Carla dedicated to Xevi.
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