We are in the 21st century and over time equality between women and men is becoming more and more normal.
Although I agree in certain parts that we should be equal, I also believe there are certain things we are losing in equal rights which I don’t think should be happening.
Ok a woman that is ambitious and working her way up to a high profile job is bound to want to feel equal and receive the same salary as a man. And on that I do agree. But what I want to talk about isn’t equality in the office but outside.
I am a woman that is very ambitious but at the same time I want to have children in the future and although I never thought it before I think I actually will want to spend less time in the office and more with the children.
Again I am not here to discuss this, what I want to discuss is the traditional things that we are losing over equal rights. I am talking about the relationship between men and women in general.
I have come to notice over time simple things that are a little annoying. One of the most classic things is a gentleman opening a door for a lady, or letting her go first onto the bus or wherever it is. Nowadays this doesn’t exist.
Whenever I go shopping with my partner and we have loads of bags to carry he will take all the bags off me. My partner is a complete gentleman, luckily enough for me and it is nice to still see this in young men. But others are using the excuse of “you said you wanted equal rights” is truly sad I think.
Let’s go back in time to the Titanic. I believe if this was to happen again women and children would not be the first to go on the lifeboats. Men would be pushing their dears into the water to save their asses. We have lost these morals over time. And although there are things I am happy about we still can’t forget that we are NOT equal. In work we may be able to but then our priority is work and not children. Why are most couples having children so late in life? Because they want a fantastic job with a great salary to feel stable and for the women to feel independent but then where does motherhood fit into this? Every time I see more and more old mothers. I travel on the bus with all the children and their parents. Not one mother with a young child is under 35 anymore. This is because priorities have changed. But it is more stressful, how can a mother have the same energy as a 25 year old? It’s not the same. I am not here promoting people to have kids early either I just want people to see what we are coming too before we all become mothers at 45 or 50.
Like I said before I have always felt ambitious and wanted to succeed in life so I would never have to depend on any man. But now as I grow older I do realize I do not want to be an old mother. I want to have energy for my kids, I want to run around with them and play, I want to handle them jumping around etc. So I do feel I am more traditional and believe we should not be treated entirely equal because in time morals will change dramatically and we will all be one, but one doesn’t necessarily mean unified, I feel it is the contrary.
The other day I went to a big event and it was a gala style dinner. There was the aperitif before the dinner and there were waiter making a special dish, so I went there with my cousin to queue for my mini dish and I had ALL the men push in front of me. Not one of these men could be called gentlemen. There was even an elderly woman that pushed in front but the men didn’t let her budge in front, they wanted their dish and not even a lady was to get in their way. I was actually shocked at this and when I mentioned this to some friends the day after; they said to me, “what do you expect? We are equal now”.
I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. Yes we are equal in certain aspects but as far as I knew I still had my woman features and the men still had theirs. Fair enough we women are bringing it on ourselves but men shouldn’t use this as an excuse. We are not 100% equal. Men don’t fight women; we have separate sports and even still have separate hairdressers etc. So guys when you see a lady in you path, still carry on being the gentlemen you were brought up to be and open the door. It’s not only about being a gentlemen but it is about manners.
The other day we were debating about the whole maternity and paternity leave and whether men should be permitted the same amount of time off as a woman. My male cousin agreed on how men should be allowed the same amount of time off as the woman. It is not that I do not agree with this but a man has to remember he doesn’t go through the same psychologically draining and huge change we will have to go through. The woman normally has to breastfeed the child. If she wasn’t to do this maybe I could understand because the man needed to bottle feed the baby too, and in other aspects I could understand that the man should be allowed the same time off. In the end when I have children and I have the baby crying at all hours I would like this to be shared and have the father of the child also wake up to see to the babies needs. I also believe giving the same amount of time off would be great for the baby. But no way should the man be lead to believe this is a simple task. We women go through enough strains in life to have the man say we are equal when it comes to having babies.
In the end equal rights has made so many changes in our lives. Women find it a lot harder to find a man to suit her needs as not only does the woman become more ambitious but she becomes so independent that the man is not needed. I think we shouldn’t go that far because one day men WILL become instinct. Men will lash out and say what about their sperm???
We have artificial insemination guys so really you are not needed.
Let us be equal yet traditional at the same time before the World has one Government (see Zeitgeist post) and become one sex!
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