The Ugly Truth? Part II

If you have seen the Ugly Truth movie then you will understand where this blog is heading.
And if you haven’t it doesn’t matter because I will let you in on what it is all about.
The ugly truth says it all. It’s that ugly truth we really don’t want to know or admit. But in this case it is a tad different to the film, as the victims are not the soppy romantic women out there but the men out there that are too afraid of letting their macho side slip for one day.
This post isn’t directed at anyone in particular, but to everyone out there. As I am sure all of you have at least once suffered heart ache from someone, let it be man or woman.

Men & Love, can it be?

What happens once they have been left heartbroken? Well a woman would most probably go out, have fun, have lots of sex (no she is not a slut) and maybe find another person as a rebound, then may find another person that she may feel she can fall in love with, and once she thinks to herself, “Yes, maybe he is the one.” Then she decides to take the RISK AND JUMP IN!
Now, when it is the other way around and it is a man, generally he will get his heartbroken, not talk about it and if he does that person was a “slut”. He will go out, booze it up with the mates, shag loads too and never ever will want to risk getting hurt again because he is too much of a wimp and has been scarred so much from his first love he will not even try it. Let’s get the violins out girlies!
Obviously not all men are like this, maybe you will get one or two from this group that will decide to risk getting hurt to maybe find his love. The only problem is, before he risks anything he will make you wait at least a year – 5 years. Basically he will put a woman through so much hell and if she puts up with his antics then she is the one. OH HOW ROMANTIC!
Guys, please stop being so afraid of us women. We go through as much hell as you do or more even but we are still the wimps.

Been Cheated on?

If a woman is to get cheated on, she is more likely to try and forgive her man just for the sake of the kids, or her pride. I am not sure why we put ourselves through the ordeal but we do. We hold the pain within and to me this is a sign of how strong we women are. Ok you may think idiotic but I don’t believe so. She is trying to stay intact for her family. It isn’t easy to walk and leave when you have something holding you back. Now when someone gets cheated on and has nothing to hold her back then I believe she should walk, but always depending on the circumstances. We cannot judge people who forgive and forget because we haven’t lived that experience.
I was once in a relationship where I got cheated on, but I didn’t know for sure until the very end. I suspected it so often and every time I confronted the situation I was told I was crazy. I knew I wasn’t crazy but then again that idiot made me doubt myself. I got so paranoid, I hated myself, I didn’t feel good about anything, I felt ugly and extremely insecure. So my advice is if you ever feel this way this person doesn’t love you or even care about you. If he did he wouldn’t let this happen to you. Men need to give women security! Once she feels security the relationship will be completely different. So get out while you still can, leave him, go out with your friends, pamper yourself and Mr Right (not perfect) will one day bounce along.
If it was the other way round and a man was cheated on, that’s it, it will be the end of the world. Every woman would be hated and I am sure the entire world would here about the “whore” that cheated on him. Men are not as discreet I think.

Asking out on dates?

We have arrived at a point of a lot of equality and I am one of the first to defend women’s rights but I also believe we need to be traditional in some aspects.
Like opening a door for the lady is important. It’s a lovely touch to any outing. We women want to be equal but at the same time want to be spoilt, we want to be your queen like you are our king. We like the flowers! Yes we do! We love surprises, we like to be taken out now and again and just feel special. I don’t think it is hard.
But the problem is nowadays men are too scared about rejection, and I do feel sorry for them because us women have been very bitchy. The amounts of times I see the stuck up girls stick their head high because a guy approaches them.
Ladies that isn’t the way to go. You are not Kate Moss so don’t go about like you own the town. Feel privileged the man had the balls to come up to you and say something nice.
I personally would never laugh in anyone’s face but I have been a witness to it, and if it has been a friend of mine I will tell them that are not fair at all.
At one point I realized that men are too afraid to approach me so I ended up being the one that approaches the guys that may interest me. This isn’t me being a horny, it is me thinking, I don’t want to be single until I am 40 and prince charming will definitely not come knocking at my door. I am a realist and realistically speaking I see that if girls wait for Mr. Right they will end up being a spinster for a very long time. If you like something go for it, and the same applies to all you male readers who have made it up to here…well done!

Pussy Whipped?

Men are primarily scared of being “pussy whipped”. They do not want to be mocked by anyone. That is when the male ego comes out to play. I understand but at the same time we need to know we can have at least one guy drooling for us. If it isn’t my boyfriend that is pussy whipped then who will??
My boy will say it to me a hundred times and I understand where he is coming from as so many people do get silly with their girlfriends, but it’s not about dominating or making the other person feel insecure. It is all about equality.
I feel that the relationship I have is the best one I have been in, (please don’t get a big head dear). The reason why I believe it is the best is because not only is he my lover and partner. He is my best friend. We are like cat and dog at times but because we have strong characters. We are both moody; I feel I am more patient though. The good thing about our relationship is we get on so well, we play fight, we watch TV, we are almost always laughing and we enjoy each other’s company. We are compatible in the kitchen; we work great as a team. He is literally my other half! But most importantly we are compatible when we are stressed; if I am in a foul mood he knows how to calm me down and vice versa. I feel this is important also the obvious which is something that can’t be forgotten, is the connection and passion we have for each other. Sex is important in any relationship and both need to be able to enjoy it to the maximum.

I think I have ranted enough for the day and hopefully I got to hit every subject. If you feel like there is something missing please comment so I can continue with other topics that were left untouched.

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