My Planned Future Timeline

May has been a really great month, apart from the weather I heard, I have met and made new friends and passed my CELTA :) (That was my biggest goal and I suceeded).

I must say the weather did really help, sorry to sound selfish to the rest living in Barcelona, but the fact that it rained and was cloudy really helped me to pass my course, as I was at home doing assignments instead of being distracted by the sun, sea and mojitos.

It seems that June and July are heading in the same direction  and I am extremely exited. I feel like I am going on a new adventure. I still hesitate and get nervous at the thought that I will be doing new things, travelling to a country where I don't speak their language but all of this is an experience I can never forget and will give me something I didn't have before, although I don't know what that is yet.

I woke up this morning and first my friend called to ask me to go to the beach, I wasn't sure about going but I had already cleaned the flat, in the meantime I managed to get two Teaching Job Interviews :) and all this is happening just before I go on a trip to Tuscany with my partner and then i'll be heading out with a colleague to work at a school in Turkey, (away from the riots)
Then when i come back from working in July I will have a small break with mon mere et mon soer in Paris, ooh laa laa, (sorry for the stereotyping)

Not only that, my lovely friend Invadia is coming to visit and I will get to chill with her and go to the beach.

Then there are my near future desires, this is harder but will be done:
August is when I will get a job in London so I can visit and spend time with my family, poor things,

September or October I come back and work full-time in one or a few nice schools, will work hard all year and get ready to prepare next summer!

These are my personal goals for the next few months, I have had a really negative time where I didn't think I was capable of change or moving on. I now have my wishes listed and I have to remain positive, give life a go instead of crawling into the den of self pity. This may come across as a brag and a half but it really isn't.

I had to hit rock bottom to see what  I can achieve, I don't suggest or want anyone to get there but if they do, they can come up, they can get out of any hole and if they have people surrounding them it is better.
Sometimes I am too open about my life experiences, it isn't to show off, it's to share moments and when you have people supporting you it really does help. I have met people along the way that didn't get out of their hole, they didn't put faith in themselves. They made the effort of moving to a new country and trying out a different culture but this person had no faith in herself and needed it to move forward.
It is important to open up to friends, don't lose your identity and don't be afraid of anything.

Don't let anyone tell you what you should of shouldn't do.

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