Finding my path - Inner choices

I think I have finally understood the meaning of reaching a crossroad and seeing things from a different perspective, I have been able to overcome that fearful sensation I get when faced with a problem or decision that can affect the next year of my life. I have always tended to put every doubt or problem behind me, in a corner, I have now learnt I need to face it as it comes, First of all I need to be able to relax, switch off my mind for some time and not allow anything to intervene. Although it is hard, once the balance is found it won't be so hard to lose the reigns.

With this break away I have come to realise that only I can save myself and for once I have beaten that feeling that often feels like it squashes my insides, tenses my oesophogus but this time I have given myself the time for meditation and time to clear my head.

Ever since I have been back I feel there is a certain change in the air I breathe, A sense of strength and happiness combine and make me feel that everything really is ok. I had almost a month to get to know myself.

I have come back from Turkey more relaxed and ready for the next stage of my path. I am still slightly unsure which route to take. If I reacha tiny hill I know i'll go the right way down, aslong as it all compensates in weight, and balance.

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